How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel at any time; however, to receive a full refund, you must cancel before the 7-day trial period ends.
How do the plans work?
We offer flexible membership options:
1 Month
3 Months
1 Year
Choose the plan that works best for you!
How do I get started?
Simply head to our app page here and select the membership that suits your goals.
Do you offer LIVE classes?
Yes! Our live classes are announced weekly, so you can join in real-time.
What is the Community Page?
The Community Page is your bragging board and live chat hub! Connect with other members, share your progress, and stay updated on events and get-togethers. It’s the go-to spot to stay in the loop with the latest happenings.
How often do you add new classes and programs?
We add new programs monthly and release one new on-demand class every week. Currently, we offer two live classes per week, and we plan to expand this schedule as demand grows!